Out of all the rooms in a person’s home, it’s not unreasonable to say that the kitchen is the room that has gone through the most change over the generations. In many ways, a kitchen from the 1940s is completely unrecognisable compared to a kitchen in 2019, and that is thanks to changes in design, changes in technology and overall changes in the ways that we use the room as a whole.
Here at Large’s Furniture, we provide kitchens in Rockhampton that are obviously fitted to the most modern and state of the art standards, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t like to take inspiration from the past. Here are some of the major ways that kitchen trends have changed over the years.
Use Of Kitchen Appliances
The big difference in actual kitchen activity is that pressure cooking has finally become mainstream! Once upon a time that kind of culinary method was reserved for the professional chefs, but these days many of us have a pressure cooker in our kitchen and it has revolutionised dinner time!
In terms of technology, the biggest innovation has to be the number of smart devices that we all have in our kitchens these days. You can pretty much cook an entire meal from the comfort of pressing a few buttons on an app, something that the homeowners of thirty plus years ago would never have dreamed of!
From a design point of view, the most striking difference in kitchen trends then vs now is our modern tendency for everything to be as minimalistic as possible. The kitchen of years ago were very busy and ‘full’ rooms, whereas now we are more concerned with clean lines and finding storage ideas that can keep most of our everyday appliances out of sight until we need them.
Kitchen floors are another big trend that has moved on hugely. Gone are the days of black and white linoleum squares, these days you are much more likely to find expensive tiles or floorboards underfoot.
So, if you are interested in upgrading your kitchen in Rockhampton, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. There will always be a member of the team on and to discuss your vision and plans with you, and we will be able to make the perfect recommendations based on what you bring to the table. We look forward to working with you!